[Smec2019] SMEC symposiums

Jiuhua Chen chenj at fiu.edu
Tue Apr 10 20:21:17 CEST 2018

Once the meeting website has the cruise information, I will announce it through COMPRES.
I checked my email. I see only one email from Nancy Molina back in December, and the addressees are very limited (not full SEMC list). People are not aware of the plan yet.
Thank you.
 - Jiuhua

From: Surendra Saxena [mailto:surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 8, 2018 5:56 PM
To: Bansil, Arun
Cc: Jiuhua Chen; smec2019 at roma1.infn.it; rhennig at ufl.edu; jhamlin at ufl.edu; Nancy.Molina at avoyanetwork.com
Subject: Re: SMEC symposiums


I confirm that the ship is celebrity equinox and the sailing date is March 30. Several reservations have already been made. If you need a three or four person cabin, please hurry up. It is likely that you have missed the messages from the travel agent Nancy Molina who has sent several emails about the trip. Let me know if I could do something.

 Naurang has already set up a website. I am hoping the meeting will be announced on Compres by Chen and by others as appropriate. Nancy Molina has sent letters to everyone on our mailing list. I believe we will have a very successful meeting.

I will begin sending invitation letters tomorrow to those who have asked me.

Look forward to being with you at the meeting.


On Apr 8, 2018, at 4:26 PM, Bansil, Arun <ar.bansil at northeastern.edu<mailto:ar.bansil at northeastern.edu>> wrote:

Dear Naurang:

I think it is best to announce the meeting as soon as we can so that people can make arrangements in a timely manner both for funding and for travel plans.

Are the dates of the meeting really finalized now along with the specifics of the ship? That is the most important thing. Please confirm.

The details of the Symposia it seems to me are less important because as in the past all the Symposia are likely to get pretty much merged into two major tracks anyway.

Let us keep in touch.



Arun Bansil

University Distinguished Professor

Department of Physics

Room 214/215 Dana

Northeastern University

Boston MA 02115

Phone: 617-373-2923

Fax: 617-373-8277

Email: ar.bansil at neu.edu<mailto:ar.bansil at neu.edu>

Admin. Asst.: 617-373-2947 (Mrs. Palriwala)

From: Jiuhua Chen <chenj at fiu.edu<mailto:chenj at fiu.edu>>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:49 PM
To: smec2019 at roma1.infn.it<mailto:smec2019 at roma1.infn.it>; surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com<mailto:surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com>; rhennig at ufl.edu<mailto:rhennig at ufl.edu>; Bansil, Arun; jhamlin at ufl.edu<mailto:jhamlin at ufl.edu>
Subject: RE: SMEC symposiums

Dear Naurang,
   Thank you for the message. You are right on the time for meeting organization. The symposium list is pretty much dynamic and Surendra was always very open to proposed symposium in the past.
   The critical issue is actually the cruise ship contract. Surendra has been working on it, thanks to his continuous enthusiasm. I will check with Andriy regarding the website and registration.
   Best regards.

-----Original Message-----
From: smec2019 [mailto:smec2019 at roma1.infn.it]
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:30 PM
To: surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com<mailto:surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com>; rhennig at ufl.edu<mailto:rhennig at ufl.edu>; ar.bansil at northeastern.edu<mailto:ar.bansil at northeastern.edu>; jhamlin at ufl.edu<mailto:jhamlin at ufl.edu>; Jiuhua Chen
Subject: SMEC symposiums

Dear all,

I think it is time when we should put the symposium list and description on the SMEC website. So far we have the following symposiums

Changqing JIN
=>Quantum emergent matters: materials & phenomena driven via extreme conditions

Rajeev Ahuja
=>Hydrogen Storage & Hydrogen rich system

Ali Zaoui
=>Ab-initio calculations of magnetic materials

Giuliana Aquilanti
=>In-situ studies of functional systems

Torben Jensen
=>Hydrides and hydrates under pressure

In addition to the above we expect the following to be

Naurang Saini
=>Emerging functional materials (will be decided avoiding any overlap)

Arun Bansil
=>Spin-orbit driven phases

Surendra Saxena
=>Geomaterials and geophysics

At this point I am tempted to send an invitation to the potential symposium organizers (judging from the past performance at the SMEC
meetings) and looking for your suggestions on this. Let me know what you think and will act accordingly.

With best regards,

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