[Smec2019] SMEC-2019 update

Polański Marek marek.polanski at wat.edu.pl
Mon Aug 27 18:58:52 CEST 2018

Dear Committee,
I still dont know if I will get any funding and can attend, but I will be happy to receive uptadtes about the meeing,
Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: smec2019 <smec2019 at roma1.infn.it> 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 6:55 PM
To: Naurang Saini <Naurang.Saini at roma1.infn.it>
Subject: SMEC-2019 update

Dear Colleague,

The 10th International meeting on the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC-2019) will be held during March 30 - April 06, 2019. 
More information on the SMEC-2019 is available at the web site:


The scientific program of the meeting consists several symposiums on interdisciplinary themes. Please visit conference web site for further description on the symposiums:

We are looking forward to seeing you in the SMEC-2019.

With best regards,

The SMEC-2019 organizing committee

Naurang Saini, Sapienza University of Rome
(naurang.saini at roma1.infn.it)
Richard G. Hennig, University of Florida (rhennig at ufl.edu) James Hamlin, University of Florida (jhamlin at ufl.edu) Arun Bansil, Northeastern University (ar.bansil at northeastern.edu) Jiuhua Chen, Florida International University (chenj at fiu.edu)

Surendra Saxena (surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com)

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