[Smec2019] Invitation for a talk at SMEC-2019 Miami
Alain Sacuto
alain.sacuto at univ-paris-diderot.fr
Mon Sep 10 10:03:55 CEST 2018
Dear Carlo and Marco,
The dates of the CNRS recruiting commissions have just fallen, today.
I am part of this commitee. The hiring will take place from the 1st to
the 12th of April. I am sorry I will not be able to come to the
conference. I thank you again warmly for your invitation and I hope that
I will have another opportunity to present you our new results on the
CDW in the cuprates.
Best regards,
Le 07/09/2018 à 16:45, Carlo Di Castro a écrit :
> Dear Alain,
> We are glad of your acceptance to take part in our symposium. As far as financing your Paris-Miami flight is concerned, we are enquiring the SMEC-2019 organisers. We will let you know as soon as possible.
> Best regards,
> Carlo and Marco
> Carlo Di Castro
> Socio Linceo
> Professor of Theoretical Physics (Emeritus)
> Dipartimento di Fisica
> Università di Roma Sapienza
> Piazzale Moro, 00185 Roma
> carlo.dicastro at roma1.infn.it
> Phone +39 06 49914290
> mobile +39 3334964320
>> On 2 Sep 2018, at 19:36, Alain Sacuto <alain.sacuto at univ-paris-diderot.fr> wrote:
>> Dear Carlo Di Castro and Marco Grilli,
>> I would like to thank you very much for your invitation, It 's a great pleasure for me to accept your invitation to
>> present our very recent results on charge density wave order in
>> cuprates by electronic Raman spectroscopy.
>> However, my funding is very limited, could you finance me the accommodation and the flight Paris-Miami?
>> Best regards
>> Alain Sacuto
>> On Tue, 28 Aug 2018 14:19:25 +0200
>> smec2019 <smec2019 at roma1.infn.it> wrote:
>>> Dear Prof. Sacuto,
>>> It is our pleasure to invite you to give an invited talk in the symposium:
>>> “Recent results on charge density waves in cuprates”
>>> This symposium is part of the successful series of biennial international conference "Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC)”, being held during March 30 - April 06, 2019.
>>> The information on the SMEC-2019 is available at the web site:
>>> http://www2.phys.uniroma1.it/doc/saini/SMEC19/smec19.html
>>> The focus of the symposium is theoretical and experimental aspects on the following topics:
>>> - Evolution from dynamical CDW to long-ranged CDW.
>>> - Connection between SDW and CDW.
>>> - Mottness at low doping and Fermi liquid physics at high doping.
>>> - Pseudogap.
>>> - Fermi surface reconstruction and quantum oscillation of the Fermi surface and Fermi arcs.
>>> - Marginal Fermi Liquid.
>>> SMEC-2019 will be held on a 'Celebrity Equinox' cruise ship sailing from Miami to East Caribbean and returning to Miami. This decision was driven by economic reasons since the cost to the participants for a similar land-based meeting in the Miami area is estimated to be much higher. The organizers have kept the cost of registration very low ($150 for regular participants, accompanying persons are free) and the package cost of housing and meals on the cruise ship is quite reasonable.
>>> Further details can be found at:
>>> For registration: http://www2.phys.uniroma1.it/doc/saini/SMEC19/smec19reg.htm
>>> For accommodation: http://www2.phys.uniroma1.it/doc/saini/SMEC19/smec19accommo.htm
>>> Please note that the funding available is very limited, and therefore, we are unable to commit any financial support for your participation in SMEC-2019.
>>> Please let us know your acceptance and title of your talk as soon as possible, preferably by e-mail.
>>> With best regards,
>>> Symposium organizers
>>> Carlo Di Castro
>>> Sapienza University of Rome
>>> E-mail: carlo.dicastro at roma1.infn.it
>>> Marco Grilli
>>> Sapienza University of Rome
>>> E-mail: marco.grilli at roma1.infn.it
>> Professeur Alain SACUTO
>> Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7
>> Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques
>> Bâtiment Condorcet, bureau 644 B
>> 10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
>> 75205 PARIS CEDEX 13
>> Mel: alain.sacuto at univ-paris-diderot.fr
>> Web: http://www.mpq.univ-paris7.fr/spip.php?rubrique38
>> Tel: 01 57 27 62 36
>> Fax : 01 57 27 62 41
Professeur à l'Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7
Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques
Bâtiment Condorcet, bureau 644 B
10, rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet
75205 PARIS CEDEX 13
Mel: alain.sacuto at univ-paris-diderot.fr
Web: http://www.mpq.univ-paris7.fr/spip.php?rubrique38
Tel: 01 57 27 62 36
Fax : 01 57 27 62 41
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