[Smec2019] Need a primary scientific program

Prof. Shiping Feng spfeng at bnu.edu.cn
Sun Feb 10 14:11:28 CET 2019

Dear Prof. Saini and Prof. Saxena,

Many thanks to you for your e-mail message of February 7, 2019 along 
with the registration information. 

Thank you very much also for inviting me to give an invited talk 
in the symposium: "Emerging layered superconductors and related 
materials", the part of the successful series of biennial international 
conference "Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC)".

I have registered in the website link of the online registration. 

However, if something is convenience, please send me a primary 
scientific program, which is very useful to me for obtaining the visa 
from the US embassy at Beijing, China. 

Thank you very much for your helps!

With the best regards!

Shiping Feng

> -----Original Messages-----
> From: smec2019 <smec2019 at roma1.infn.it>
> Sent Time: 2019-02-07 00:52:39 (Thursday)
> To: "Surendra Saxena" <surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com>, "Hennig, Richard" <rhennig at ufl.edu>, "Hamlin,James Jeffrey" <jhamlin at ufl.edu>, "Ar Bansil" <ar.bansil at northeastern.edu>, Chenj <chenj at fiu.edu>
> Cc: 
> Subject: [SPAM] Reminder - Advanced Registration SMEC-2019 Miami
> Dear Colleague,
> This is a kind reminder about the on-line registration for the 10th 
> international meeting on the "Study of matter at extreme conditions 
> (SMEC2019)" to be held during March 30 - April 06, 2019. Please note 
> that less than one week is left for the advanced on-line registration 
> (deadline 11 February).
> More information is available on the conference website:
> https://www.smec2019.org
> The online registration can be completed following the website link.
> https://www.smec2019.org/registration.html
> The ON-SITE registration is highly discouraged due to technical issues.
> We also take this opportunity to recall the deadline for the abstract 
> submission (deadline 28 February 2019). The abstract of your 
> presentation can be submitted following the website link.
> https://www.smec2019.org/abstract-submission.html
> Accommodation:
> The meeting travel agent will continue helping in finding accommodation 
> in the 'Celebrity Equinox'. If you have not yet made your booking, 
> please contact the SMEC2019 travel agent for the purpose.
> More information is available on the website:
> https://www.smec2019.org/venue.html
> We are looking forward to seeing you in the SMEC2019.
> With regards,
> The SMEC2019 organizing committee
> Naurang Saini, Sapienza University of Rome 
> (naurang.saini at roma1.infn.it)
> Richard G. Hennig, University of Florida (rhennig at ufl.edu)
> James Hamlin, University of Florida (jhamlin at ufl.edu)
> Arun Bansil, Northeastern University (ar.bansil at northeastern.edu)
> Jiuhua Chen, Florida International University (chenj at fiu.edu)
> Advisor
> Surendra Saxena (surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com)

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