[Smec2019] Reminder - Abstract submission SMEC-2019 Miami

Michael Hirscher hirscher at is.mpg.de
Mon Feb 25 08:59:32 CET 2019

Dear Colleagues,

why do we have to distribute openly worldwide the mailing list???

Better apply to attend the best conference of the year, the 2019 GRC 
Hydrogen-Metal Systems

See you in Castelldefels, Spain.


Am 24.02.2019 um 17:01 schrieb smec2019:
> Dear Colleague,
> The abstract submission deadline for the "Study of matter at extreme 
> conditions (SMEC2019)" is less than a week away. Please submit the 
> abstract of your presentation if you have not done so. More 
> information is available on the conference website:
> https://www.smec2019.org
> Abstract Submission (deadline 28 February 2019):
> The abstracts of your presentations can be submitted following the 
> website link.
> https://www.smec2019.org/abstract-submission.html
> On-line Registration:
> The online registration can be completed following the website link.
> https://www.smec2019.org/registration.html
> Please note that ON-SITE registration is highly discouraged due to 
> technical issues.
> We are looking forward to seeing you in the SMEC2019.
> With regards,
> The SMEC2019 organizing committee
> Naurang Saini, Sapienza University of Rome (naurang.saini at roma1.infn.it)
> Richard G. Hennig, University of Florida (rhennig at ufl.edu)
> James Hamlin, University of Florida (jhamlin at ufl.edu)
> Arun Bansil, Northeastern University (ar.bansil at northeastern.edu)
> Jiuhua Chen, Florida International University (chenj at fiu.edu)
> Advisor
> Surendra Saxena (surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com)

Dr. Michael Hirscher
Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme
ehemals Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung
Heisenbergstrasse 3
D-70569 Stuttgart

Phone:  +49 711 689 1808
Fax: 	+49 711 689 1952
E-mail: hirscher at is.mpg.de

WWW:	http://www.is.mpg.de/schuetz/hydrogen_storage
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-8030-2015

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