[Smec2019] Updata of my affiliation RE: Abstract submission SMEC-2019 Miami
Hai-Wen LI
li.haiwen.305 at m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Sun Jan 13 02:21:37 CET 2019
Dear SMEC2019 organizing committee,
Thank you so much for kind reminding.
I am writing you this email in order to get your help to update my affiliation.
I am Hai-Wen Li, serving as the co-organizer of Symposium 2: Multifunctional metal hydrides for energy storage : developments and perspectives.
Since I noticed my affiliation shown in the conference page is an old one, I would be very happy if you could update my affiliation as below.
Hai-Wen LI,
Platform of Inter/Transdisciplinary Energy Research (Q-PIT),
Kyushu University
744 Motooka Nishi-ku Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
E-mail: li.haiwen.305 at m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hai-Wen LI, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Platform of Inter/Transdisciplinary Energy Research (Q-PIT),
Kyushu University
744 Motooka Nishi-ku Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Phone/Fax: +81 92 802 6896
Email: li.haiwen.305 at m.kyushu-u.ac.jp
-----Original Message-----
From: smec2019 <smec2019 at roma1.infn.it>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2019 11:47 PM
To: a.oganov at skoltech.ru; agoncharov at carnegiescience.edu; trj at chem.au.dk; C.Buckley at curtin.edu.au; li.haiwen.305 at m.kyushu-u.ac.jp; rajeev.ahuja at physics.uu.se; Yaroslav.Filinchuk at uclouvain.be; Jin at iphy.a.c.cn; christoph.meingast at kit.edu; frederic.hardy at kit.edu; ar.bansil at northeastern.edu; S.Kar at northeastern.edu; naurang.saini at roma1.infn.it; mizokawa at waseda.jp; carlo.dicastro at roma1.infn.it; marco.grilli at roma1.infn.it; chenj at fiu.edu; surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com; andreialuisa at ufg.br; pontes at ufg.br; erikanlima at ufmt.br; giuliana.aquilanti at elettra.eu; fabrizio.bardelli at gmail.com; rhennig at ufl.edu; jhamlin at ufl.edu
Subject: Abstract submission SMEC-2019 Miami
Dear Organizers,
Thank you for your continuous efforts for the upcoming SMEC-2019 organization. Please advice the speakers of your symposium to submit their abstract online.
More information is available on the conference website:
Abstract Submission:
The abstracts of your presentations can be submitted following the website link.
Online Registration:
The online registration can be completed following the website link.
The meeting travel agent will continue helping in finding accommodation in the 'Celebrity Equinox'. If you have not yet made your booking, please contact the SMEC2019 travel agent for the purpose.
More information is available on the website:
Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year 2019, we are looking forward to seeing you in the SMEC2019.
With regards,
The SMEC2019 organizing committee
Naurang Saini, Sapienza University of Rome
(naurang.saini at roma1.infn.it)
Richard G. Hennig, University of Florida (rhennig at ufl.edu)
James Hamlin, University of Florida (jhamlin at ufl.edu)
Arun Bansil, Northeastern University (ar.bansil at northeastern.edu)
Jiuhua Chen, Florida International University (chenj at fiu.edu)
Surendra Saxena (surendrasaxena8 at gmail.com)
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