[Smec2019] Fwd: Scientific program

Jaka Vodeb jaka.vodeb at ijs.si
Tue Mar 12 14:59:19 CET 2019

Dear SMEC2019 organizers,

the preliminary version of the scientific program is sadly not enough. I 
kindly ask you to provide me with an updated version.


Jaka Vodeb

smec2019 je 26. 02. 2019 ob 11:25 napisal:
> Dear Dr. Vodeb,
> Please find herewith the preliminary schedule of the SMEC meeting. The 
> final schedule is to be prepared after the abstract submission deadline.
> Looking forward to seeing you in SMEC2019.
> With regards,
> Naurang Saini
> On the behalf of the scientific committee
> Il 2019-02-26 09:46 smec2019 ha scritto:
>> SMEC 2019 Conference Secretariat
>>  Symposia srl
>>  Tel: +39 0639725540 [1]
>>  E-mail: smec2019 at grupposymposia.it
>>  Web: www.smec2019.org [2]
>>  -------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
>>          OGGETTO:
>>          Scientific program
>>          DATA:
>>          Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:39:38 +0100
>>          MITTENTE:
>>          Jaka Vodeb <jaka.vodeb at ijs.si>
>>          A:
>>          smec2019 at grupposymposia.it
>>  Dear SMEC2019 organizers,
>>  If possible, I would like to kindly ask you to provide me with the
>> scientific program, even if it is only preliminary, as it will assist
>> with all the bureaucracy required to attend the conference.
>>  Best,
>>  Jaka Vodeb
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1] tel:+390639725540
>> [2] https://www.smec2019.org/

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